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Relaying TCP connections in Offset


Offset is designed to be a peer to peer payment system. However, many users do not have direct access to the Internet because they are behind a NAT or other restrictive boxes. This means that peer to peer connections are sometimes very difficult to establish, or even not possible.

As a workaround we had to come up with a relay mechanism, allowing servers to relay communication between any two clients. Relays federate, and anyone can open a communication relay.

The Relays are oblivious to the underlying payment protocols employed by Offset. The underlying communication is encrypted end to end. The Relay job is only to transfer this communication. In other words: Payments in Offset are done in a peer to peer fashion, but the communication is relayed through federated servers.

There are two types of entities in this world of communication: A Client and a Relay. A Relay allows two clients to talk to each other:

Client --[TCP]-- Relay --[TCP]-- Client

Let's begin with the schema of the Relay mechanism of offset :

# First message sent after a connection was encrypted.
# This message will determine the context of the connection.
# This messeag can be sent only once per encrypted connection.
struct InitConnection {
    union {
        listen @0: Void;
        # Listen to connections
        accept @1: PublicKey;
        # Accepting connection from <PublicKey>
        connect @2: PublicKey;
        # Request for a connection to <PublicKey> 

# Client -> Relay
struct RejectConnection {
        publicKey @0: PublicKey;
        # Reject incoming connection by PublicKey

# Relay -> Client
struct IncomingConnection {
        publicKey @0: PublicKey;
        # Incoming Connection public key

The schema above represents cap'n proto serialization structures. The full schema code can be found here. Don't worry if you have never read cap'n proto before, I will soon explain what each structure is supposed to do.

How does the Relay work?

(1) A client first opens a TCP connection to a Relay.

(2) The client now sends InitConnection, which should be one of three types:

  • listen
  • accept
  • connect

This first message determines what kind of communication will be transferred over this TCP connection.

(2.1) The client sends InitConnection::listen to the relay:

From now on this TCP connection is dedicated for only two types of messages:

  • The client may only send RejectConnection to the relay.
  • The relay may only send IncomingConnection to the client.

We call this kind of connection a listen channel. Every client should maintain an open listen channel to the relay. This connection is used by the relay to send metadata about incoming connections to the client. The client can use this connection to reject incoming connections.

(2.2) The client C sent InitConnection::connect(public_key) to the relay:

We call such a TCP connection between a client and the relay a connect channel.

If the relay doesn't have another client with the given public key, it will close the connection with C.

If the relay has another client D with the given public key connected on a listen channel, the relay will send IncomingConnection to the client D.

     (connect channel)
  C ----------------- Relay
                        |  (listen channel)

D then has two options. It can either reject the connection by sending back RejectConnection over the listen channel. In that case the Relay will close the connect channel with client C.

D can also accept the connection by opening a new TCP connection to the Relay, as described in the next section (2.3). In that case, the connect channel opened by client C will turn into a TCP connection to the client D, relayed by the Relay.

(2.3) The client sends InitConnection::Accept(public_key) to the relay:

We call this kind of TCP connection an accept channel. This should be done by the client as a response to an incoming IncomingConnection message that was received over the listen channel.

If there was indeed a pending connection from a client with the specified public key, the accept channel will turn into a TCP connection to the remote client, relayed by the relay.

ASCII diagram

Connect and Accept:

                          Relay ---------------------- D
                              <-- InitConnection::listen 

                                   (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D

                                   (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
InitConnection::connect -->

     (connect channel)             (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
                                IncomingConnection -->

     (connect channel)             (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
                            |                          |
                            |                          |
                              <-- InitConnection::accept

     (relayed TCP)                  (listen channel)
C @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  Relay ---------------------- D
                            @                          @
                            @                          @
                                   (relayed TCP)

Connect and Reject:

                          Relay ---------------------- D
                              <-- InitConnection::listen 

                                   (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D

                                   (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
InitConnection::connect -->

     (connect channel)             (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
                                IncomingConnection -->

     (connect channel)             (listen channel)
C ----------------------  Relay ---------------------- D
                                <-- Reject Connection

                                   (listen channel)
C                         Relay ---------------------- D
  (TCP connection closed)

Why new connections?

If you followed the above description, you probably noticed that every connection between two clients relayed by the Relay requires opening a new TCP connection to the Relay (From both clients).

At first sight this might seem wasteful. However, if we want to have reasonable performance with TCP this might be required. Let me explain. Assume that instead of the proposed method (Where a Client opens multiple TCP connections to the Relay), we will only allow one TCP connection between a Client and the Relay.

     /  |  \
    /   |   \  
   C    D    E (fast)

Consider the topology above. Client C wants to send messages both to Client D and Client E. Now assume that the connection between the Relay and D is very slow, but the connection between the Relay and E is very fast.

If C sends data at medium capacity to both D and E, at some point D will not be able to process the incoming data at the speed sent from C, and it will apply backpressure back to the Relay, on the Relay -- D. The Relay in turn will apply backpressue on the C--Relay TCP connection. As a result, C will have to send data slowly. Although E could in theory get the data at a higher capacity, it will only be able to obtain data from C at a slow rate.